Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Celebrating 10 Years

No - it's not my wedding anniversary I'm talking about - it's my anniversary week as a SAHM. 10 years ago this week, I was blessed beyond measure with the ability to stay home with my children.

I'll never forget the emotions of trying to work and not really wanting to because I wanted to be home with Sarah and my new baby boy. We had been praying that God would make a way for me to be able to stay home and suddenly, it was happening.

As I look back on the last 10 years, I don't regret any of the sacrifices we've had to make. Do I wish we had more $ to take care of some of the necessary stuff? Yes, but I feel that my staying home is way more important than having more $. By my staying home, my children will never have to know what it feels like to be a latchkey kid. They'll always have someone to come home to after school. I'll never have to wonder what my soon to be teenagers are doing while I'm at work.

I teasingly told my husband the other night that since it was my 10 year anniversary, I should get a raise. He lovingly said he couldn't pay me what I was worth! I love my DH! But seriously - I want to celebrate this milestone. I love my children more than anything and want to be there for them and I feel this is the best way I can be there for them. Would it be easier to work an outside job and let someone else take care of them during the day? Some days I have felt that way, but in the long run - no. I cannot let someone else do what God placed in my hands to do.
And I'm about to venture into new territory this next school year by homeschooling my oldest daughter who will be in 7th grade. I sure couldn't do that if I wasn't a stay at home Mom.
Here's looking to 10 more!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swine Flu Review

Was I right, or was I right - now there is no epedimic. Under 2000 cases nationwide so, let's just get back to normal living, okay? Wrong, do you know how much $ has been spent for a few cases of the flu? Most likely millions. And how many people and businesses have been affected by this.

And all you kids that were getting out of school for this week, just turn around and go back to school. Many families have been scrambling this week to find childcare arrangements due to this. Many school closings and any extra curricular activities were cancelled. So, now everyone is left scrambling when they suddenly change their minds.

I'm glad our ISD decided to not close the schools. And, maybe I can find disinfectant wipes (which I use all the time) and waterless cleaner now. I needed to buy some last week, and there was none to be found.

Thank you media and government for blowing this out of proportion and scaring a good majority of the population!