Once again, I'd like to post something from my husband. The men of our church write a daily devotion on different chapters of the bible. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did.
Psalm 27
In the world we live in direction is a must, for without it we lose our way and wander aimlessly. Psalm 27 starts with "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear"? To me Psalm 27 speaks of God's leadership and guidance through this life. We all have enemies but they stumble and fall (v. 2). We all have times of trouble but He hides us in the secret of his tabernacle (v. 5) and while we are there we offer sacrifices of joy and sing praises unto the LORD (v. 6). At times we feel forsaken and sometimes may be by mankind but the LORD is there to lead us in a plain path and we look and see His goodness (v.. 10,11, 13). Verse 14 caught my attention so please stay with me as I relate it to something I am familiar with. There is a great tool in the world of traffic signals called APS or Audible Pedestrian Signals. As the name implies these are pedestrian signals for the visually impaired. I am not saying we are visually impaired spiritually but I am saying that we do not always have a clear, concise view of what lies ahead in life. The APS works in this manner: the push button station gives off a locator tone. With this tone, the visually impaired person finds and presses the push button. The APS then gives the command Wait....Wait.....Wait. This continues until it is time to cross the street at which point the command changes to Walk sign is on to cross ( street name). Can you imagine being blind and crossing say Mid-Cities or Blvd. 26 or Rufe Snow? If the person disregards the audible commands of the APS, it could be a fatal mistake. When we hear the LORD saying Wait....Wait then it is in our best interest to Wait! We can't always see what lies ahead but listening for commands from God will ensure that we stay on a plain path and on this path, we have nothing to worry about!
Douglas Dunn
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